Welcome to the Highlite Academy!
This is the place to learn all the ins and outs of your advanced and ingenious Highlite products through tutorial videos, trainings and demos. Some of our products, like the Chimp and Lampy, need a proper training for being able to take full advantage of its wide set of functionalities. Since some of our products are highly advanced, we created step-by-step tutorials for both beginner to more advanced users.

It's not just about the equipment, but also about the person behind it!
We know very well that good equipment does not do a proper job by its own. You'll need to be a master over your own equipment for being able to express your knowledge and creativity to the fullest extend. Available tools on this website will help you to get ahead.
Do you want to follow an online demo, training or course instead? Please check out our event page for a suitable event for you!